Evaluation of the projects financed by Croatian Science Foundation: scientometric approach

Grant holder: Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
Duration: November 2019 – December 2020
EIZ member: Andrea Mervar

Since 2013 the Croatian Science Foundation (CSF) has started financing the concept of research (IP) and installation research projects (UIP), which are, compared to the research projects previously financed by the Ministry of Science and Education, significantly more competitive. Since the projects selected for financing passed international review, besides the domestic one, which implies that the proposed research fulfilled certain international criteria, we are prompted to investigate international visibility and recognition of published results of these projects, and the forms of scientific communication (within the project team, institution, country and at international level). The aim of this research is, apart from the theoretical aspect of acknowledging scientific communication and development of science financed in Croatia (productivity, types of publications, journal status, citation analysis, authors collaboration and economic aspects), to offer relevant elements and indicators as an instrument to science policy.

The research corpus will be comprised of the research (IP) and installation research projects (UIP) financed since 2013 and completed in 2019 (N=427). For the purpose of the research a relational data base will be created, included bibliographical and bibliometrical data retrieved from bibliographical and citation bases Scopus and WoS, which will be regularly updated.

For more details refer to: https://www.idi.hr/en/projekti-p/projekti/scientometrijska-analiza-hrzz-projekata-odobrenih-i-zavrsenih-u-razdoblju-2013-2019-produktivnost-citiranost-mreze-autorske-suradnje-ekonomski-aspekt/

