

The Institute’s researchers have acquired their knowledge at leading national and/or international universities. A number of them teach at universities in Croatia and abroad as visiting scholars. They are recognized as highly esteemed experts in their respective fields, always open to sharing knowledge and cooperating with local and foreign scientists and the business community.
Members of the Institute’s team also take part in a number of important international scientific projects funded by international foundations, programmes and organisations (European Science Foundation, COST project, GDN project, EUREKA, the World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF etc.).
The Institute’s researchers also take part in teaching activities: looking at the teaching cooperation statistically, between 2006 and 2010, a total of 24 researchers (which represents 64 percent of the Institute’s research staff) took part in teaching activities on undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate studies, on a number of different courses, either on a continuous or temporary basis.
Cooperation with scientists and institutions from the region and abroad is also maintained through individual memberships of the researchers in various international associations and networks, according to their research interests (European Regional Science Association, European Urban Research Association, Regional Cooperation Council, Sarajevo, Project LINK, Centre for European Integration Strategies etc.) Some of the Institute’s researchers are members of editorial boards of international scientific journals.
Cooperation with national associations and civil society organisations is also maintained through memberships and activities of the research staff in these organisations, depending on their research areas and interests (Croatian network of experts in local and regional development, Croatian Society of Economists, Croatian section of the European Regional Science Association Scientific Society of Economists, Croatian Operational Research Society, Croatian Systems Society, Association of business advisors - Croatian Employers' Association, European Education Forum, Young Scientists Network etc.).
