Inspiring digital entrepreneurship – IDEA

Commissioned by: European Commission – Erasmus+ KA203
Project duration: November 1, 2019 – October 31, 2021
Project manager: Tajana Barbić
Collaborators: Maruška Vizek, Zoran Aralica, Ivan-Damir Anić, Ljiljana Božić, Anita Harmina

IDEA has the objective of mapping and stock taking of Digital Entrepreneurship dynamics in the countries involved by identifying common trends, issues, best practices, and tools. IDEA's main aim is to improve professional success chances of HE students with different backgrounds by developing not only their entrepreneurship skills (or knowledge) but also their digital skills. IDEA will boost both digital skills and entrepreneurship by developing and testing a set of innovative materials and resources. The developed materials will allow HEIs equipping at least 200 HE students of the participating organizations with digital skills applied to entrepreneurship by the end of the project. IDEA will also deploy project results throughout Europe via its OER platform destined to become a knowledge hub and an open education focal point. IDEA will raise awareness among HE institutions and education authorities concerning the potential of digital skills and entrepreneurship skills and their role as business success factors.


RESEARCH AREA: Sectors and enterprises
