The predominant area of research related to consumers deals with the determinants of consumer purchasing behavior. Most of our research is thus focused on the retail sector in order to analyze purchase decisions, although supply chains are also an area of interest. Our studies in this field analyze consumer purchasing behavior in both locally-owned and international retail businesses present on the Croatian market.

Other areas covered are purchasing models based on retail mix and consumer decision styles. As for consumer segmentation, researchers from the Institute of Economics, Zagreb are largely oriented on young people and women in their research. Their samples are based on socio-geographical characteristics. Much effort has also been devoted to purchase analyses of specific product categories, e.g., food or clothes. At the same time, the emergence of new technologies and applications has resulted in Institute's research on privacy concerns in a consumer environment, as well as research on marketing databases, i.e., using online information. Within this field, our researchers are also interested in topics such as branding and brand loyalty.

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  1. The impact of legitimacy types on customer loyalty and moderating role of the perceived COVID-19 threat: cross-country comparison between Japan and Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir, Ivana Kursan Milaković and Mitsunori Hirogaki, 2024, Journal of marketing management, paper published online April 11, 2024, DOI:10.1080/0267257X.2024.2338207
  2. Consumer responses to store-related stimuli in a crisis: Evidence from Japan and Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir, Ivana Kursan Milaković and Hirogaki Mitsunori, 2023, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management., paper published online December 11, 2023. DOI: 10.1108/IJRDM-12-2022-0520
  3. Conceptual Research Framework of Consumer Resilience to Privacy Violation Online Budak, Jelena, Edo Rajh, Sunčana Slijepčević and Bruno Škrinjarić, 2021, Sustainability, paper published online January 25, 2021,  DOI:
  4. Paying for animal welfare? A hedonic analysis of egg prices Vukina, Tomislav and Danijel Nestic, 2020. Agribusiness, paper published online July, 30, 2020., DOI:
  5. Drivers and Consequences of Word of Mouth Communication from the Senders’ and Receivers’ Perspectives: The Evidence from the Croatian Adult Population Milaković Kursan, Ivana, Ivan-Damir Anić and Mirela Mihić, 2020, Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, 33(1), pp. 1667–1684.
  6. The determinants and effects of online privacy concerns in the context of e-commerce Anić, Ivan-Damir,  Vatroslav Škare and Ivana Kursan Milaković, 2019, Electronic commerce research and applications, paper published online 8th June 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.elerap.2019.100868
  7. Typology of univesity students regarding attitudes towards food waste Knežević, Blaženka, Nataša Kurnoga and Ivan-Damir Anić, 2019, British food journal, 121(11), pp. 2578-2591.
  8. Extended model of online privacy concern: what drives consumers' decisions? Anić, Ivan-Damir, Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Vedran Recher, Vatroslav Škare and Bruno Škrinjarić, 2018, Online Information Review, 43(5), pp. 799-817.
  9. Perceived quality of privacy protection regulations and online privacy concern Škrinjarić, Bruno, Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh, 2019, Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), pp. 982-1000.
  10. Antecedents and outcomes of fashion innovativeness in retailing Anić, Ivan-Damir, Mirela Mihić and Ivana-Kursan Milaković, 2017, The Service Industries Journal, 38(9-10), pp. 543-560.
  11. Organizational buying decision approaches in the manufacturing industry: developing measures and typology Sinčić Ćorić, Dubravka, Ivan-Damir Anić, Sunčana Piri Rajh, Edo Rajh and Nataša Kurnoga, 2017, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32 (2), pp. 227–237. 
  12. New information economy in post-transition countries: an economic approach to privacy concern Anić, Ivan-Damir, Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh, 2016, Transformations in Business & Economics, 15 (2), pp. 165–178.
  13. Differences in consumer decision-making styles among selected South-East European countries Anić, Ivan-Damir, Anita Ciunova-Shuleska, Sunčana Piri Rajh, Edo Rajh and Arnela Bevanda, 2016, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 29 (1), pp. 665–681. 
  14. Boundaries for the retail geographical market and factors influencing shoppers' mobility Anić, Ivan-Damir and Sonja Radas, 2016, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 50 (2), pp. 315–341. 
  15. Exploring consumers’ food-related decision-making style groups and their shopping behaviour Anić, Ivan-Damir, Edo Rajh and Sunčana Piri Rajh, 2015, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 28 (1), pp. 63–74. 
  16. Antecedents of food-related consumer decision-making styles Anić, Ivan-Damir, Sunčana Piri Rajh and Edo Rajh, 2014, British Food Journal, 116 (3), pp. 431–450. 
  17. Antecedents of consumers’ time perceptions in a hypermarket retailer Anić, Ivan-Damir, Sonja Radas and Joseph C. Miller, 2011, Service Industries Journal, 31 (5/6), pp. 809–828. 
  18. An empirical investigation of in-store sampling promotions Heilman, Carrie, Kyryl Lakishyk and Sonja Radas, 2011, British Food Journal, 113 (10), pp. 1252–1266. 
  19. Attitudes and purchasing behavior of consumers in domestic and foreign food retailers in Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir, 2010, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 28 (1), pp. 113–133. 
  20. Decision-making styles of young-adult consumers in the Republic of Macedonia Anić, Ivan-Damir, Anita Ciunova-Suleska and Edo Rajh, 2010, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 23 (4), pp. 102–113. 
  21. The effects of marketing mix elements on service brand equity Rajh, Edo and Đurđana Ozretić Došen, 2009, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 22 (4), pp. 69–82. 
  22. Understanding comparison behavior of grocery shoppers in Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir, Milivoj Marković and Rudolf Vouk, 2008, Ekonomska istraživanja (Economic Research), 21 (3), pp. 1–11.
  23. Comparison of customer balking and reneging behaviour to queueing theory predictions: an experimental study Pazgal, Amit and Sonja Radas, 2008, Computers and Operations Research, 35 (8), pp. 2537–2548. 
  24. An open mind wants more: opinion strength and the desire for genetically modified food labeling policy Radas, Sonja, Mario Teisl and Brian Roe, 2008, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 42 (3), pp. 335–361.
  25. Struggles in optimal labelling: how different consumers react to various labels for genetically modified foods Teisl, Mario, Sonja Radas and Brian Roe, 2008, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32 (5), pp. 447–456.
  26. Smoking patterns in Croatia and comparisons with European nations Goel, Rajeev K. and Jelena Budak, 2007, Central European Journal of Public Health, 15 (3), pp. 110–115. 
  27. Strategies and stocking policies in uncapacitated and capacitated supply chains Mahajan, Jayashree, Sonja Radas and Asoo J. Vakharia, 2002, Decision Sciences, 33 (2), pp. 191–222. 

Other papers

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  1. Resilience to online privacy violation: developing a typology of consumers Budak, Jelena, Edo Rajh and Bruno Škrinjarić. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business. 70(3), pp. 379-398. DOI:[1]2023-0028.
  2. Purchase Intention in Mobile Commerce in Croatia: The Attribution Theory Perspective and the Role of Consumer Innovativeness Anić, Ivan-Damir, Ivana Kursan Milaković, Mirela Mihić and Nicoletta Corrocher, 2023, Journal of Promotion Management, 29(2),  pp. 182-204. DOI: 10.1080/10496491.2022.2143986
  3. Otpornost potrošača na narušavanje online privatnosti: testiranje mjerne ljestvice Edo Rajh, Bruno Škrinjarić and Jelena Budak, 2021, Ekonomska misao i praksa, 30(2), pp 527-544
  4. Interdisciplinary description of complex systems Budak, Jelena, Edo Rajh, Sunčana Slijepčević and Bruno Škrinjarić, 2021. Interdisciplinary description of complex systems, 19(2), pp. 308-327
  5. Utjecaj promocije unutar prodavaonice na kupnju odjeće u Hrvatskoj Anić, Ivan-Damir and Mirela Mihić, 2021. Suvremena trgovina, 46(1), pp. 14-17.
  6. A scale for measuring country brand equity Rajh, Edo, 2019, Ekonomski pregled, 70(3), pp. 519-528.
  7. Time spent shopping and consumer clothing purchasing behaviour Mihić, Mirela, Ivan-Damir Anić and Ivana Kursan Milaković, 2018, Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista, 69(2), pp. 89-105.
  8. Consumption in the dark: estimating unrecorded expenditures of households in Croatia Škrinjarić, Bruno, Vedran Recher and Jelena Budak, 2017, Croatian Economic Survey, 19 (2), pp. 135–167.
  9. Determinants and behavioural consequences of online privacy concerns among young consumers in Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir, Vatroslav Škare and Ivana Kursan Milaković, 2016, Ekonomski pregled : mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista, 67(5), pp. 377-398.
  10. The development of database marketing: does consumer information privacy matter? Anić, Ivan-Damir, 2015, Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, 21, pp. 39–56.
  11. Examining demographic profile and purchasing behaviour of buyers of organic food products in Karlovac county Anić, Ivan-Damir, Lara Jelenc and Nevija Šebetić, 2015, Ekonomska misao i praksa, 24 (2), pp. 367–388. 
  12. Demographic profile and purchasing outcomes of fashion conscious consumers in Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir and Mirela Mihić, 2015, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 66 (2), pp. 103–118. 
  13. Attitudes of young consumers about sales ethics of online retailers Anić, Ivan-Damir, Milivoj Marković and Rudolf Vouk, 2013, Poslovna Izvrsnost, 7 (2), pp. 9–22. 
  14. Decision-making styles of young consumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina Anić, Ivan-Damir, Edo Rajh and Arnela Bevanda, 2012, Young Consumers, 13 (1), pp. 86–98. 
  15. Apparel shopping orientation of female consumers Anić, Ivan-Damir, Mirela Mihić and Monika Jurić, 2010, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 20 (123), pp. 27–56. 
  16. Gender differences in Croatian consumer decision-making styles Anić, Ivan-Damir, Sunčana Piri Rajh and Edo Rajh, 2010, Tržište: časopis za tržišnu teoriju i praksu, 22 (1), pp. 29–42. 
  17. The impact of quality and price consciousness on brand loyalty Anić, Ivan-Damir, Sunčana Piri Rajh and Edo Rajh, 2010, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 61 (3-4), pp. 137–150. 
  18. Relative effects of store traffic and customer traffic flow on shopper spending Anić, Ivan-Damir, Sonja Radas and Lewis K.S. Lim, 2010, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20 (2), pp. 237–250. 
  19. The consumer in-store purchasing behavior associated with peal-proneness for a hypermarket retailer in Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir and Sonja Radas, 2009, Croatian economic survey, 10(1), pp. 111-129.
  20. A structural model of the impacts of distribution intensity on perceived quality, brand awareness and brand loyalty Anić, Ivan-Damir and Edo Rajh, 2008, Tržište: časopis za tržišnu teoriju i praksu, 20 (2), pp. 133–147.
  21. An analysis of demographic and benefit sought effects on purchasing outcomes in the Croatian footwear market Anić, Ivan-Damir and Edo Rajh, 2008, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 59(5-6), pp. 222-242.
  22. The assessment of psychometric characteristics of a scale for measuring market orientation Božić, Ljiljana and Edo Rajh, 2008, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 59 (1-2), pp. 38–50. 
  23. The consumer in-store purchasing behaviour associated with deal-proneness for hypermarket retailer in Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir and Sonja Radas, 2006, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 16 (109), pp. 62–81. 
  24. The impact of situational factors on purchasing outcomes in the Croatian hypermarket retailer Anić, Ivan-Damir and Sonja Radas, 2006, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 57 (11), pp. 730–752. 
  25. The relationships between shopping trip type, purchases made on promotion, and unplanned purchases for a high/low hypermarket retailer – evidence from the Croatian market Anić, Ivan-Damir and Sonja Radas, 2006, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 16 (107), pp. 25–45.
  26. The role of satisfaction and demographic factors in building store loyalty Anić, Ivan-Damir and Sonja Radas, 2006, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 16 (108), pp. 66–86. 
  27. Diffusion models in marketing: how to incorporate the effect of external influence Radas, Sonja, 2006, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 15 (105), pp. 30–51. 
  28. Development of a scale to measure perceived intensity of sponsorship activities Rajh, Edo and Ljiljana Božić, 2006, Tržište: časopis za tržišnu teoriju i praksu, 18 (1/2), pp. 7–14. 
  29. Food retailing in Central Europe: a case study of traditional and modern grocery retailing in Croatia Anić, Ivan-Damir and Joseph Conrad Miller, 2005, The European Retail Digest, 47 (autumn 2005), pp. 35–40.
  30. Exploring the relationships between store patronage motives and purchasing otucomes for major shopping trips in the Croatian grocery retailing Anić, Ivan-Damir and Rudolf Vouk, 2005, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 56 (9), pp. 634–657. 
  31. Forecasting the life cycle of a new seasonal durable Radas, Sonja, 2001, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 52 (1-2), pp. 206–218. 
  32. Pricing strategy and learning Radas, Sonja, 2000, Ekonomski pregled: mjesečnik Hrvatskog društva ekonomista Zagreb, 51 (5-6), pp. 563–578. 
  33. Managing service demand: shifting and bundling Radas, Sonja and Steven Shugan, 1998, Journal of Service Research, 1 (1), pp. 47–64. 


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  1. Consumer resilience to online privacy violation – REPRICON, 2020–2024 Commissioned by: Croatian Science Foundation
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  2. Public perception of creative industries in Croatia, 2023 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  3. Citizens’ Perspectives on Illicit Activities, 2019–2023 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  4. The role of m-advertising in m-purchases: Moderating effect of consumer innovativeness, 2020–2021 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Ivan-Damir Anić
  5. Illegal Trade of Tobacco Products: Smuggling as Experienced along the Balkan Route – BALKANSMUGG, 2017–2019 Commissioned by: Philip Morris International
    Project manager: Jelena Budak
  6. Statistical analysis of consumer complaints – PRIPOT, 2017–2018 Commissioned by: Ministry of Economy, Enterpreneurship and Crafts
    Project manager: Ivan Žilić
  7. Consumers' apparel purchasing behavior in Croatia, 2014 Commissioned by: The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Project manager: Ivan-Damir Anić
  8. Relevant market and market shares in the retail trade sector in Croatia and EU, 2012 Commissioned by: Agrokor
    Project manager: Ivan-Damir Anić
  9. Stakeholders’ perception of the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla, 2009 Commissioned by: Ericsson Nikola Tesla
    Project manager: Maja Vehovec