EIZ Working Papers

The Institute of Economics, Zagreb publishes the EIZ Working Papers series with the purpose of presenting initial results of research projects and other activities undertaken by the Institute's associates. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published in order to induce discussion and critical comments.

The papers published in the EIZ Working Papers series are listed in the RePEc electronic database and in Hrčak - Portal of scientific journals of Croatia.

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ISSN 1847-7844 (Online)

Editor: Ljiljana Božić

Editorial Board: Ivan-Damir AnićTajana BarbićGoran Buturac, Željka Kordej-De Villa, Ivica RubilSunčana SlijepčevićPaul Stubbs, and Maruška Vizek

EIZ-WP-2302 (October 2023)
Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Mirela Holy
Public perception of creative and cultural industries in Croatia

EIZ-WP-2301 (July 2023)
Valerija Botrić, Sonja Radas, Bruno Škrinjarić
Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance

EIZ-WP-2203 (April 2022)
Sonja Radas, Bruno Škrinjarić
Girl Power: Creating More with Less

EIZ-WP-2202 (April 2022)
Bruno Škrinjarić, Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh
Change of consumers’ attitudes in response to an online privacy violation incident

EIZ-WP-2201 (March 2022)
Marko Ledić, Ivica Rubil, Ivica Urban
Missing top incomes and tax-benefit microsimulation: evidence from correcting household survey data using tax records data


EIZ-WP-2104 (October 2021)
Nga Thi Viet Nguyen, Ivica Rubil
Fiscal Policies, Inequality, and Poverty in Croatia

EIZ-WP-2103 (July 2021)
Marko Ledić, Ivica Rubil, Ivica Urban
Tax Progressivity and Social Welfare with a Continuum of Inequality Views

EIZ-WP-2102 (April 2021)
Zoran Aralica, Bruno Škrinjarić
Adoption of digital and ICT technologies and firms’ productivity

EIZ-WP-2101 (February 2021)
Irena Đokić, Ivana Rašić and Sunčana Slijepčević
Innovation in the public services at the local and regional level

EIZ-WP-2003 (October 2020)
Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Sunčana Slijepčević and Bruno Škrinjarić
Theoretical concepts of consumer resilience to online privacy violation

EIZ-WP-2002 (February 2020)
Marin Kukoč, Bruno Škrinjarić and Josip Juračak
The Impact Assessment of the EU Pre-Accession Funds on Agriculture and Food Companies: The Croatian Case

EIZ-WP-2001 (January 2020)
Ivan Zilic and Stjepan Srhoj
“Fine...I’ll do it myself”: Lessons from self-employment grants in a long recession period​

EIZ-WP-1904 (July 2019)
Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh, Goran Buturac and Anamarija Brković
Public opinion on tobacco gray market in the Western Balkans: A cluster analysis approach

EIZ-WP-1903 (June 2019)
Vassilis Monastiriotis and Ivan Zilic
The Economic Effects of Political Disintegration: Lessons from Serbia and Montenegro

EIZ-WP-1902 (May 2019)
Stjepan Srhoj, Bruno Škrinjarić, Sonja Radas and Janette Walde 
Closing the Finance Gap by Nudging: Impact Assessment of Public Grants for Women Entrepreneurs

EIZ-WP-1901 (February 2019)
Vedran Recher
Tobacco smuggling in the Western Balkan region: Exploring habits, attitudes, and predictors of illegal tobacco demand  
EIZ-WP-1805 (September 2018)
Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović, Željka Kordej-De Villa and Mislav Šagovac
Smart City Indicators: Can They Improve Governance in Croatian Large Cities?

EIZ-WP-1804 (August 2018)
Iva Tomić and Ivan Žilić
Working for 200 euro? The effects of traineeship reform on labor market outcomes in Croatia

EIZ-WP-1803 (June 2018)
Bruno Škrinjarić, Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
The Perceived Impact of Government Regulation in Reducing Online Privacy Concern

EIZ-WP-1802 (May 2018)
Stjepan Srhoj, Bruno Škrinjarić and Sonja Radas
Bidding against the odds? The impact evaluation of grants for young micro and small firms during the recession

EIZ-WP-1801 (April 2018)
Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
Tax autonomy of Croatian cities in the 2002-2016 period
EIZ-WP-1706 (November 2017) 
Katarina Bačić, Ivana Rašić Bakarić and Sunčana Slijepčević 
Sources of productivity differentials in manufacturing in post-transition urban South-East Europe

EIZ-WP-1705 (October 2017) 
Martin Larsson
EU Emissions Trading: Policy-Induced Innovation, or Business as Usual? Findings from Company Case Studies in the Republic of Croatia

EIZ-WP-1704 (September 2017) 
Marina Tkalec and Ivan Žilić 
Does Proximity to Conflict Affect Tourism: Evidence from NATO Bombing

EIZ-WP-1703 (July 2017)
Nebojša Stojčić and Zoran Aralica
Choosing Right from Wrong: Industrial Policy and (De)industrialization in Central and Eastern Europe

EIZ-WP-1702 (April 2017)
Bruno Škrinjarić, Jelena Budak and Mateo Žokalj 
The Effect of Personality Traits on Online Privacy Concern

EIZ-WP-1701 (April 2017)
Alexander Ahammer and Ivan Žilić
Do Financial Incentives Alter Physician Prescription Behavior? Evidence from Random Patient-GP Allocations
EIZ-WP-1609 (November 2016)
Edo Rajh, Jelena Budak, Jovo Ateljević, Ljupčo Davčev, Tamara Jovanov and Kosovka Ognjenović
Entrepreneurial Intentions in Selected Southeast European Countries 

EIZ-WP-1608 (October 2016)
Ivan Žilić
General versus Vocational Education: Lessons from a Quasi-Experiment in Croatia

EIZ-WP-1607 (October 2016)
Valerija Botrić
Public vs. private sector wage skill premia in recession: Croatian experience

EIZ-WP-1606 (September 2016)
Edo Rajh, Jelena Budak and Mateo Žokalj
Personal Values of Internet Users: A Cluster Analytic Approach

EIZ-WP-1605 (September 2016)
Simon Stickelmann
The Influence of the European Union Consumer Protection Policy on Croatian Consumers

EIZ-WP-1604 (July 2016)
Bojan Basrak, Petra Posedel, Marina Tkalec and Maruška Vizek
Searching high and low: Extremal dependence of international sovereign bond markets

EIZ-WP-1603 (June 2016)
Valerija Botrić and Iva Tomić
Self-employment of the young and the old: exploring effects of the crisis in Croatia

EIZ-WP-1602 (April 2016)
Vedran Recher
Tougher Than the Rest? Relationship between Unemployment and Crime in Croatia

EIZ-WP-1601 (January 2016)
Iva Tomić
What drives youth unemployment in Europe?
EIZ-WP-1505 (December 2015)
Petra Palić, Petra Posedel Šimović and Maruška Vizek
The Determinants of Country's Risk Premium Volatility: Evidence from Panel VAR Model

EIZ-WP-1504 (October 2015)
Sunčana Slijepčević, Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
Challenging Competition at Public Procurement Markets: Are SMEs Too Big to Fail? The Case of BiH and Croatia

EIZ-WP-1503 (September 2015)
Ivan Žilić
Effect of forced displacement on health

EIZ-WP-1502 (July 2015)
Vedran Recher, Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
Eye in the Sky: Contextualizing Development with Online Privacy Concern in Western Balkan Countries

EIZ-WP-1501 (April 2015)
Petra Posedel Šimović, Marina Tkalec and Maruška Vizek
Time‐varying integration in European post‐transition sovereign bond market 
EIZ-WP-1403 (July 2014)
Jelena Nikolic, Ivica Rubil and Iva Tomić
Changes in Public and Private Sector Pay Structures in Two Emerging Market Economies during the Crisis

EIZ-WP-1402 (March 2014)
Jelena Budak, Edo Rajh and Ivan-Damir Anić
Privacy Concern in Western Balkan Countries: Developing a Typology of Citizens

EIZ-WP-1401 (March 2014)
Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
The Public Procurement System: A Business Sector Perspective
EIZ-WP-1302 (October 2013)
Valerija Botrić
Identifying Key Sectors in Croatian Economy Based on Input-Output Tables

EIZ-WP-1301 (January 2013)
Ivica Rubil
Accounting for Regional Poverty Differences in Croatia: Exploring the Role of Disparities in Average Income and Inequality
EIZ-WP-1205 (December 2012)
Hrvoje Mirošević
The Analysis of Development Documents in the Republic of Croatia

EIZ-WP-1204 (November 2012)
Iva Tomić
The Efficiency of the Matching Process: Exploring the Impact of Regional Employment Offices in Croatia

EIZ-WP-1203 (October 2012)
Jelena Budak, Ivan-Damir Anić and Edo Rajh
Public Attitudes towards Surveillance and Privacy in Western Balkans: The Case of Serbia

EIZ-WP-1202 (July 2012)
Valerija Botrić
Intra-industry Trade between the European Union and Western Balkans: A Close-up 

EIZ-WP-1201 (April 2012)
Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
Corruption Survey in Croatia: Survey Confidentiality and Trust in Institutions
Published in: Jelena Budak i Edo Rajh, 2012, "Corruption Survey in Croatia: Survey Confidentiality and Trust in Institutions", Društvena istraživanja, 21(2), pp. 291-313.
EIZ-WP-1104 (December 2011)
Jelena Budak and Edo Rajh
Corruption as an Obstacle for Doing Business in the Western Balkans: A Business Sector Perspective

EIZ-WP-1103 (December 2011)
Alfio Cerami and Paul Stubbs
Post-communist Welfare Capitalisms: Bringing Institutions and Political Agency Back In
Published in: Cerami, Alfio and Paul Stubbs, 2013, "Post-communist Welfare Capitalisms: Bringing Institutions and Political Agency Back In" u Michael Hill, ed., Comparative Public Policy, pp. 347-370, Los Angeles: SAGE.

EIZ-WP-1102 (November 2011)
Marina Tkalec
The Dynamics of Deposit Euroization in European Post-transition Countries: Evidence from Threshold VAR
Published in: Tkalec, Marina, 2012, "The Dynamics of Deposit Euroization in European Post-transition Countries: Evidence from Threshold VAR", Czech Journal of Economics and Finance 62(3), pp. 278-296. 

EIZ-WP-1101 (September 2011)
Jelena Budak, Ivan-Damir Anić and Edo Rajh
Public Attitudes Towards Surveillance and Privacy in Croatia
EIZ-WP-1003 (December 2010)
Marin Božić 
Pricing Options on Commodity Futures: The Role of Weather and Storage

EIZ-WP-1002 (September 2010)
Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović and Sunčana Slijepčević 
Performance Measurement at the Sub-national Government Level in Croatia
Published in: Jurlina Alibegović, Dubravka i Sunčana Slijepčević, 2012, "Identifying key obstacles for performance measurement at the sub-national level in Croatia", Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava 12(4), pp. 1117-1156.

EIZ-WP-1001 (March 2010)
Petra Posedel and Maruška Vizek
The Nonlinear House Price Adjustment Process in Developed and Transition Countries 
Published in: Posedel, Petra and Maruška Vizek, 2011, "Are house prices characterised by threshold effects? Evidence from developed and post-transition countries", Czech journal of economics and finance, 61(6), pp. 584-600.
EIZ-WP-0902 (November 2009)
Marin Božić and Brian W. Gould
Has Price Responsiveness of U.S. Milk Supply Decreased?

EIZ-WP-0901 (June 2009)
Sandra Švaljek, Maruška Vizek and Andrea Mervar
Cyclically Adjusted Budget Balance: The Case of Croatia
Published in: Švaljek, Sandra, Maruška Vizek and Andrea Mervar, 2009, “Ciklički prilagođeni saldo: primjer Hrvatske (Cyclically Adjusted Budget Balance: The Case of Croatia)”, Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politika, 19(120), pp. 49-82.
EIZ-WP-0802 (December 2008)
Janez Prašnikar, Tanja Rajkovič and Maja Vehovec
Competencies Driving Innovative Performance of Slovenian and Croatian Manufacturing Firms

EIZ-WP-0801 (October 2008)
Tanja Broz
The Introduction of the Euro in Central and Eastern European Countries - Is it Economically Justifiable?
Published in: Broz, Tanja, 2010, "Introduction of the euro in CEE countries - is it economically justifiable? The Croatian case", Post-Communist Economies, 22(4), pp. 427-447.   
EIZ-WP-0705 (December 2007)
Arjan Lejour, Andrea Mervar and Gerard Verweij
The Economic Effects of Croatia's Accession to the EU
Published in: Lejour, Arjan, Andrea Mervar, and Gerard Verweij, 2009, “The Economic Effects of Croatia’s Accession to the European Union”, Eastern European Economics, 47(6), pp. 60-83.

EIZ-WP-0704 (October 2007)
Danijel Nestić
Differing Characteristics or Differing Rewards: What is Behind the Gender Wage Gap in Croatia?
Published in: Nestić, Danijel, 2010, "The Gender Wage Gap in Croatia - Estimating the Impact of Differing Rewards by Means of Counterfactual Distributions", Croatian Economic Survey, 12(1), pp. 83-119. 

EIZ-WP-0703 (June 2007)
Maruška Vizek and Tanja Broz
Modelling Inflation in Croatia
Published in: Vizek, Maruška and Broz, Tanja, 2009, “Modelling Inflation in Croatia”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 45(6), pp. 87-98.

EIZ-WP-0702 (April 2007)
Sonja Radas and Mario Teisl
An Open Mind Wants More: Opinion Strength and the Desire for Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy
Published in: Radas, Sonja, Mario Teisl and Brian Roe, 2008, “An Open Mind Wants More: Opinion Strength and the Desire for Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 42(3), pp. 335-361.

EIZ-WP-0701 (February 2007)
Andrea Mervar and James E. Payne
An Analysis of Foreign Tourism Demand for Croatian Destinations: Long-Run Elasticity Estimates
Published in: Mervar, Andrea and James E. Payne, 2007, “Analysis of Foreign Tourism Demand for Croatian Destinations: Long-Run Elasticity Estimates”, Tourism Economics, 13(3), pp. 407-420.
