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Events calendar
The second Economic briefing held at The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
Presentation of research results regarding the impact of digital transformation on the Western Balkans
Invitation to the PRICON Conference
Invitation to Zagreb Forum 2018: Digital Transformation of Cities
Closing Conference of the PRICON project held at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb
Invitation to the WB MIGNET conference: "A search for that special place under the sun in modern Europe: migration in the twenty first century"
The Third Annual WB MIGNET Conference: "A search for that special place under the sun in modern Europe: migration in the twenty first century" held in Zagreb
Invitation to the workshop: Who is an Activist? Biographical and Transformative Effects of Protest
Invitation to the conference "Digitalization Index - The Potential and Obstacles to Faster Growth"
Representatives of the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) visit The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
Invitation to the SmartEIZ conference: “Smart Specialization Strategy: Contemporary Challenges of Its Design and Implementation”
Invitation to the 4th international conference "The Challenges of Today"
Visit of the representatives of the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Presentation of BalkanSmugg project results held in Zagreb
IDEA - Inspiring digital entrepreneurship project kick-off meeting in Brussels
The Institute of Economics celebrates its 80th anniversary
Iva Tomić wins the annual award of the Prof. Dr. Marijan Hanžeković Trust
Kick-off meeting for the “Consumer resilience to online privacy violation – REPRICON” project held
Invitation to Science Tuesday: 'The Impact of Mobile Advertising on Consumers’ Purchase Intention: The Role of Consumers’ Innovativeness'
Science Tuesday and virtual ZOOM webinar held as part of the InnovM-ADS project
Invitation to Science Tuesday 'Large Tournament Games'
Science Tuesday 'Large Tournament Games' held
Project 'The role of m-advertising in m-purchases: Moderating effect of consumer innovativeness (InnovM-ADS)' successfully completed
Workshop "The Non-Aligned Movement and Socialist Yugoslavia"
Invitation to Science Tuesday 'Free Movement of Inventors: Open-Border Policy and Innovation in Switzerland'
Science Tuesday: Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation Among Organizations: Establishing the Distinctive Meanings of These Terms Through a Systematic Literature Review
Invitation to Science Tuesday 'Leveraging Probability Distortion to Target Prevention? Evidence from a Lottery Experiment on Cardiovascular Risk'
Science Tuesday 'Leveraging Probability Distortion to Target Prevention? Evidence from a Lottery Experiment on Cardiovascular Risk'
Invitation to Science Tuesday "What do they really think: Uncovering latent preferences through meta-predictions"
Invitation to Science Tuesday 'Corruption as an obstacle to pandemic response: A COVID-19 case study'
Invitation to Science Tuesday 'Evaluation of macroeconomic outcomes and seven-year membership of Croatia in the European Union'
Results of a survey conducted as part of the project "My place under the sun" presented in Rijeka
Invitation to Science Tuesday "The technological transformation of economies: Measurement framework overview and a new agenda"
Invitation to Science Tuesday "Efficiency of regional labor markets in Croatia"
Science Tuesday "Parental leave policies and gender in(equality)"
Virtual Round Table "Global Social Policy at 25"
Invitation to Science Tuesday 'Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance'
Call for papers for the conference "Creative Future Insights 2023 – Creativity 360°"
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb hosted Virtual Round Table "Global Social Policy at 25"
Invitation to Science Tuesday 'Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on entities in the creative and cultural industries – A case of two Croatian counties'
Invitation to Science Tuesday "Economic Perspectives on Challenges in Circular Business Model Innovation"
Invitation to Science Tuesday "Consumers' responses to store-related stimuli in a crisis: Evidence from Japan and Croatia"
Invitation to Science Tuesday "Business Cycle Synchronization and Asymmetry in the European Union"
Invitation to "Evaluation of EU RTD Programs as a Part of Evaluation Culture Development"
The conclusions of the “Evaluation of EU RTD Programs as a Part of Evaluation Culture Development” workshop
Invitation to Science Tuesday "The Market for Yugoslav Healthcare: Commodifying International Public Health in Non-Aligned Networks During Late Socialism"
Invitation to EIZ Seminar "Does ESG Matter for Corporate Performance and Risk?"
Invitation to EIZ Seminar "Metode eksperimentalne ekonomije i mogućnosti njihove primjene u agrarnoj ekonomici: iskustva iz projekta AgriFoodBoost"
Invitation to EIZ Seminar "Dizajn i testiranje novoga procesa efektualnoga pristupa poduzetništvu"
EIZ Seminar "Does ESG Matter for Corporate Performance and Risk?" held
EIZ Seminar "Metode eksperimentalne ekonomije i mogućnosti njihove primjene u agrarnoj ekonomici: iskustva iz projekta AgriFoodBoost" held
EIZ Seminar "Dizajn i testiranje novoga procesa efektualnoga pristupa poduzetništvu" held
Day 1 of the 2nd CEE-LOC CONFERENCE 2024: Local Government Studies in Central and Eastern Europe held
Invitation to EIZ Seminar "Animal Welfare Ballot Initiatives and the Vote-Buy Gap"
EIZ Seminar "Animal Welfare Ballot Initiatives and the Vote-Buy Gap" held
Invitation to the conference "Smart Specialization Strategies in Croatia: Experiences and the Way Forward"
"Smart Specialization Strategies in Croatia: Experiences and the Way Forward" conference held
Workshop announcement: The Europeanization of Social Policy in South East Europe: Responding to an Ageing Population
“Smart Specialization Strategies in Croatia: Experiences and the Way Forward” conference conclusions
Invitation to EIZ Seminar: "What goes around, comes around: The impact of childhood relationship with parents on future caregiving decisions"
EIZ Seminar "What goes around, comes around: The impact of childhood relationship with parents on future caregiving decisions" held
Call for papers for the conference "Creative Future Insights 2025 – Creativity of Othering in the Age of Migration"
IFIS for the third quarter of 2017: Financial conditions continue to ease although at a milder pace
CEIZ index for November 2017: GDP growth rate of 3 percent in 2017, with economic activity decreasing at the end of the year
OVI for November 2017: Labor demand grows, but at a slightly slower pace
OVI for 2017: Substantial labor market recovery
OVI for January 2018: Growth in labor demand, especially in northern Adriatic, while eastern Croatia is lagging behind
CEIZ index for 2017: Decline in industrial production at the end of the year lowered the GDP growth rate at 2.7 percent in 2017
IFIS index for the fourth quarter of 2017: Additional mitigation of financial conditions
OVI for February 2018: Visible consequences of GDP slowdown
CEIZ index for January 2018: Moderate strengthening of economic activity at the beginning of 2018
OVI for March 2018: Tourist season approaching
CEIZ index for February 2018: GDP growth at the beginning of year
OVI for April 2018: Growth in labor demand; increased demand for cooks, waiters and sales assistants
CEIZ index for March 2018: GDP growth in the first quarter of 2018
IFIS index for the first quarter of 2018: Continuing mitigation of financial conditions, albeit at a significantly slower rate
OVI for May 2018: Preparations for the tourist season in full swing
CEIZ index for April 2018: 2.4 percent real GDP growth rate in the second quarter of this year
OVI for June 2018: The beginning of summer brings a decline in labor demand
CEIZ index for May 2018: 2.3 percent real GDP growth rate in the second quarter of this year
OVI for July 2018: A considerable deceleration in labor demand – The Adriatic is registering a 32-percent decrease in demand for waiters
IFIS index for the second quarter of 2018: Continuing mitigation of financial conditions
CEIZ index for June 2018: Slower GDP growth rate in the second quarter of 2018
OVI for August 2018: Job advertisements seeking doctors double in number
CEIZ index for July 2018: Deceleration of economic activity in the third quarter of 2018
OVI for September 2018: Labor demand reaches its peak?
CEIZ index for August 2018: 2.4 percent real GDP growth in the third quarter
OVI for October 2018: Highest demand for sales assistants with fixed-term contracts
IFIS for the third quarter of 2018: Stabilization of the financial conditions trend
CEIZ index for September 2018: Modest GDP growth in the third quarter
OVI for November 2018: Strong growth in demand for doctors and nurses
CEIZ index for October 2018: Continued GDP growth after the third quarter
OVI for 2018: Highest demand for occupations requiring secondary education
CEIZ index for November 2018: Somewhat stronger GDP growth in the fourth quarter
OVI for January 2019: Decrease in labor demand in eastern Croatia
CEIZ index for 2018: Drop in industrial production at the end of the year lowers GDP growth rate in 2018 to 2.6 percent
OVI for February 2019: Strong growth in labor demand in the southern Adriatic
CEIZ index for January 2019: Slight acceleration of annual GDP growth rate at the beginning of 2019
IFIS index for the fourth quarter of 2018: Continuation of the stable domestic financial conditions trend, while foreign financial conditions continue to tighten
OVI for March 2019: Preparations for the tourist season boost the labor market
CEIZ index for February 2019: Significant increase in GDP growth rate in the first quarter
OVI for April 2019: Employers offer more permanent-contract jobs
CEIZ index for March 2019: 2.6 percent GDP growth rate in the first quarter
OVI for May 2019: Decrease in labor demand in the tourism sector
CEIZ index for April 2019: 4.7 percent real GDP growth in the second quarter of this year
IFIS for the first quarter of 2019: Mitigation of financial conditions
OVI for June 2019: Only one percent of job advertisements for pensioners
CEIZ index for May 2019: Continued strong GDP growth in the second quarter of 2019
IFIS index for the second quarter of 2019: Financial conditions continue to ease
CEIZ index for June 2019: Slower GDP growth rate in the second quarter of 2019
OVI for July 2019: Mild recovery of labor demand
OVI for August 2019: Fall in job advertisements in Central Croatia
CEIZ index for July 2019: Acceleration of GDP growth rate at the beginning of the third quarter
OVI for September 2019: Most of the advertisements for jobs of limited duration
CEIZ index for August 2019: Real GDP growth of 2.4 percent in the third quarter
OVI for October 2019: Labor market stagnates, seasonality of labor demand more pronounced
CEIZ index for September 2019: GDP annual growth rate in the third quarter accelerates to 2.6 percent
OVI for November 2019: The biggest drop of OVI index in the past eight years
IFIS for the third quarter of 2019: Financial conditions continue with the mitigation trend
CEIZ index for October 2019: Stagnation at the beginning of the last quarter
OVI for 2019: Mild decrease in labor demand, for the first time since 2010
CEIZ index for November 2019: Slowing down of economic activity in the final quarter of 2019
CEIZ index for 2019: GDP in 2019 rose by 3.0 percent
OVI for January 2020: Labor force demand stagnates, demand for pensioners stable at 1.3 percent of all advertisements
OVI for February 2020: Highest increase in number of job advertisements in eastern Croatia
IFIS for the fourth quarter of 2019: Continued mild financial conditions mark the end of 2019
OVI for March 2020: Coronavirus knocks down labor demand – demand for all service occupations drops, while demand for health care occupations and construction workers rises
OVI for April 2020: Expected sharp drop in labor demand
CEIZ index for the first quarter of 2020: Significant slowdown of GDP growth in the first quarter of 2020
OVI for May 2020: Labor demand recovers, but is significantly lower than before the pandemic
IFIS for the first quarter of 2020: Tightening of financial conditions
OVI for June 2020: Labor demand is recovering, but it is still 26 percent lower than in June of last year
OVI for July 2020: Labor demand is recovering, but it is 18 percent lower than in July of last year
OVI for August 2020: Labor demand is lower than last year, but there is increased demand for construction workers
OVI for the third quarter of 2020: Labor demand decreases by 24 percent compared to last year
IFIS for the second quarter of 2020: Repeated mitigation of financial conditions
CEIZ index for August 2020: Strong annual drop in GDP in the third quarter of 2020
CEIZ index for September 2020: Annual GDP drop of 13.2 percent in the third quarter of 2020
OVI for October 2020: Labor demand stagnates, but additional bricklayers wanted
OVI for November 2020: Labor demand at 70 percent of the pre-pandemic demand
CEIZ index for October 2020: Mild drop of quarterly GDP at the beginning of the fourth quarter
IFIS for the third quarter of 2020: Financial conditions continue to ease
OVI for 2020: Labor demand in 2020 drops 28 percent compared to 2019
OVI for January 2021: Labor demand one third lower than in January 2020
CEIZ index for December 2020: An 8.6 percent drop in GDP in 2020
OVI for February 2021: Labor demand 18 percent lower than in February 2020
IFIS for the fourth quarter of 2020: Continued easing of financial conditions marks the end of 2020
CEIZ index for January 2021: Mild growth of quarterly GDP at the beginning of the first quarter
OVI for March 2021: Significant recovery, labor demand nearly back to the prepandemic level of March 2019
CEIZ index for February 2021: Mild growth of quarterly GDP at the beginning of the first quarter
OVI for April 2021: Recovery continues, labor demand at 90 percent of the pre-pandemic April 2019
CEIZ index for March 2021: Strong growth of quarterly GDP in the first quarter of 2021
IFIS for the first quarter of 2021: Mild financial conditions continue in the first quarter of 2021
OVI for May 2021: Recovery of labor demand, more workers in demand than in the pre-pandemic May 2019
OVI for June 2021: Labor demand continues, more workers in demand than before the pandemic
OVI for July 2021: Positive movements continue, demand higher than in 2019 for three months in a row
CEIZ index for May 2021: Sharp growth of quarterly GDP in the second quarter of 2021
CEIZ index for June 2021: Strong growth of quarterly GDP in the second quarter of 2021
IFIS for the second quarter of 2021: Continued easing of financial conditions in the second quarter of 2021
OVI for August 2021: Labor demand continues to recover, exceeding pre-pandemic levels
CEIZ index for July 2021: Continued strong annual GDP growth in the third quarter of 2021
OVI for September 2021: Labor market recovery continues, more workers in demand than before the pandemic
CEIZ index for August 2021: Continued strong annual GDP growth in the third quarter of 2021
OVI for October 2021: Good news from the labor market, more workers needed
IFIS for the third quarter of 2021: Continued mild conditions with slight tightening compared to June 2021
OVI for November 2021: Labor market active despite the pandemic
CEIZ index for October 2021: Continued growth of annual GDP in the fourth quarter of 2021
OVI for 2021: Labor demand 5.5 percent higher than in 2019
CEIZ index for November 2021: Continued annual GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2021
OVI for January 2022: The year starts with strong labor demand, demand in January a quarter higher than before the pandemic
CEIZ index for December 2021: 10.9 percent GDP growth in 2021
OVI for February 2022: Strong labor demand, demand for workers a third higher than in 2019
CEIZ index for January 2022: Continued annual GDP growth in the first quarter of 2022
IFIS for the last quarter of 2021: Mild financial conditions for the end of the year
OVI for March 2022: Strong labor demand continues
CEIZ for February 2022: GDP annual growth slows down in the first quarter of 2022
OVI for April 2022: Preparations for the tourist season intensify already strong labor demand
IFIS for the first quarter of 2022: Tightening of the financial conditions index
CEIZ for March 2022: GDP annual growth rate slows down in the first quarter of 2022
OVI for May 2022: Strong labor demand, preparations for the tourist season continue
CEIZ index for April 2022: GDP annual growth continues in the second quarter of 2022
CEIZ index for May 2022: Strong annual GDP growth in the second quarter
CEIZ index for June 2022: Annual GDP grows by 5.7 percent in the second quarter
OVI for August 2022: Continued favorable labor market movements
OVI for September 2022: Labor demand continues
IFIS for the second quarter of 2022: Continued tightening of financial conditions index
CEIZ index for July 2022: Continued annual GDP growth in the third quarter of 2022
OVI for October 2022: Labor market remains strong
CEIZ index for August 2022: 7.8 percent annual GDP growth in the third quarter of 2022
IFIS for the third quarter of 2022: Further tightening of financial conditions
CEIZ index for September 2022: 7.8 percent annual GDP growth in the third quarter of 2022
OVI for November 2022: Labor market still robust
OVI for 2022: Significant growth of job advertisements offering fixed-term contracts
CEIZ index for November 2022: Stagnation of quarterly GDP in the fourth quarter of 2022
OVI for January 2023: Demand for seasonal workers begins in northern Adriatic
CEIZ index for December 2022: Probability of the Croatian economy entering technical recession rises
OVI for February 2023: Increasing number of job advertisements seeking secondary level education
IFIS for the final quarter of 2022: Tightening of financial conditions compared to the final quarter of 2021
OVI for March 2023: Robust growth rate of labor demand in the first quarter
OVI for April 2023: Labor market sends positive signals at the start of the second quarter
CEIZ index for February 2023: Slowing down of annual GDP growth in the first quarter of 2023
CEIZ index for March 2023: Annual GDP growth slows down in the first quarter of 2023
OVI for May 2023: Decrease in labor demand in May confirms that the search for seasonal workers began earlier this year
CEIZ index for May 2023: Annual GDP growth continues in the second quarter
OVI for June 2023: Labor demand in the first half of 2023 rises by 4.8 percent
CEIZ index for June 2023: Annual GDP growth continues in the second quarter
OVI for July 2023: -4.1 percent decrease in job advertisements in central Croatia
OVI for August 2023: Job advertisements for teachers on the rise
CEIZ index for July 2023: Economy stagnates at the beginning of the third quarter of 2023
OVI for September 2023: Labor demand still strong in the third quarter
OVI for October 2023: Labor demand rises by 4.2 percent in the first 10 months
OVI for November 2023: Drop in foreign demand for workers
CEIZ index for September 2023: Quarterly GDP growth stagnates in the third quarter
OVI for 2023: 3.6 percent growth in number of job advertisements on an annual level
OVI for January 2024: Labor demand decreases in January
CEIZ index for December 2023: 2.6 percent GDP growth in 2023
OVI for February 2024: Will labor demand fall in the first quarter?
OVI for March 2024: Labor demand drops by -3 percent in the first quarter of 2024
OVI for April 2024: Number of job advertisements increases only in the southern Adriatic
CEIZ index for March 2024: GDP annual growth rate accelerates in the first quarter of 2024
OVI for May 2024: Labor demand increases in the second quarter
OVI for June 2024: Demand for workers increases by 0.4 percent in June
OVI for July 2024: Drop in the number of job advertisements in the first seven months
OVI for August 2024: Strong drop in number of job advertisements in eastern Croatia
OVI for September 2024: Labor demand drops in the first nine months
OVI for October 2024: Labor demand drops by -3.8 percent in the first 10 months
OVI for November 2024: Labor demand grows by 2.8 percent compared to October
OVI for 2024: Number of job advertisements drops by -3.2 percent on an annual level
OVI for January 2025: Labor demand drops in January
CEIZ index for December 2024: 3.7 percent GDP growth in 2024
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
The Institute of Economics’ journal Croatian Economic Survey indexed in Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) database
New edition of Economic Trends and Economic Policy
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
Call for papers for the Summer 2018 issue of the Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of SEE-6 Economic Outlook
New book co-published by the Institute of Economics, Zagreb
New edition of Croatian Economic Outlook: GDP growth in 2017 to stand at 3.1 percent
2016 Annual Report
New edition of Sector Analyses: Energy and oil industry
New book published by the Institute of Economics, Zagreb
New edition of Croatian Economic Outlook: General government surplus in 2018
New edition of Sector Analyses: Chemical industry
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of SEE-6 Economic Outlook
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Economic Trends and Economic Policy
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Retail sector
New edition of Sector Analyses: Food and beverage industry
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Telecommunications
New Edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Croatian Economic Outlook: Continuation of moderate growth
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Pharmaceutical industry
New edition of Sector Analyses: Construction and real estate
New edition of Economic Trends and Economic Policy dedicated to the adoption of the euro in Croatia
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
2017 Annual Report
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
2018 Annual Report
New edition of Sector Analyses: Chemical industry
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Retail sector
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Food and beverage industry
New edition of Economic Trends and Economic Policy
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Telecommunications
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Pharmaceutical industry
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Construction and real estate
The employment and social situation in Croatia analysis published
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Energy sector: renewable energy sources
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Bioeconomy
2019 Annual report
New edition of Sector Analyses: Chemical industry
New edition of Sector Analyses: Retail sector
New edition of Sector Analyses: Food and beverage industry
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Telecommunications
New edition of Sector Analyses: Pharmaceutical industry
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Construction and real estate
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Energy sector: renewable energy sources
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Bioeconomy
New edition of Regio-news
2020 Annual Report
New edition of Sector Analyses: Chemical industry
New edition of Sector Analyses: Retail sector
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Food and beverage industry
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Telecommunications
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Pharmaceutical industry
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Construction and real estate
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Energy sector: renewable energy sources
New edition of Sector Analyses: Bioeconomy
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Chemical industry
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Retail sector
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Food and beverage industry
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Telecommunications
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Pharmaceutical industry
New edition of Sector Analyses: Construction and real estate
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Energy sector: renewable energy sources
New edition of Sector Analyses: Bioeconomy
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Chemical industry
2022 Annual Report
New edition of Sector Analyses: Retail sector
New edition of Sector Analyses: Food and beverage industry
New edition of Sector Analyses: Telecommunications
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
Presenting "Global Social Policy at 25: Reflections and Prospects"
New edition of Sector Analyses: Pharmaceutical industry
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Construction and real estate
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Analysis of selected sectors of the Croatian economy
New edition of Sector Analyses: Energy: Renewable Energy Sources
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Chemical Industry
2023 Business report
New edition of Sector Analyses: Retail Trade
New edition of Sector Analyses: Food and Beverage Industry
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
New edition of Sector Analyses: Telecommunications
New edition of Regio-news
New edition of Sector Analyses: Pharmaceutical Industry
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Construction and Real Estate
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
EIZ wins PMI IMPACT research grant to assess illegal trade of tobacco products
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb launched a new website
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb winner of the 2018 FocusEconomics Analyst Forecast Awards for the most accurate exchange rate forecaster for Croatia
New WoS paper published: "Trade Liberalization and Export Transformation in New EU Member States"
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb winner of the 2019 FocusEconomics Analyst Forecast Awards for the most accurate exchange rate forecaster for Croatia
Coronavirus protection measures
Virtual meeting of the project IDEA - Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship and Awareness in HE - According to the quality of the digital entrepreneurship system Croatia is at the back of the EU
Notice to our users
New Director of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb
The EIZmetrics project successfully completed
Marina Tkalec appointed member of the Economic Council of the President of the Republic of Croatia
Composite final report of the project Inspiring digital entrepreneurship (IDEA) available online
Youth Activation Network – a new project for new opportunities
Join our team!
Project "Another world is possible (NAM)" successfully completed – the Institute of Economics, Zagreb and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe
RESTORE project successfully completed
Social Impact Investing: An Introduction
Research cooperation with Japan
2021 Annual Report
POLICY ANSWERS sets out to support integration of the Western Balkans into the European Research Area
EIZ – Research centre in the S3 area in Croatia
Youth activation network delivered eight guidelines documents
Job advertisement for the associate position of senior research assistant
Job advertisement for the scientific position of senior research fellow and senior research fellow in permanent position
Job advertisement for the scientific position of senior research associate
Selection results - senior research assistant
All news
Events calendar
New edition of Croatian Economic Survey
The Institute of Economics, Zagreb launched a new website
Croatian Economic Outlook
[NEW ISSUE]: Sector Analyses: Pharmaceutical industry
Presentation of research results regarding the impact of digital transformation on the Western Balkans
WB MIGNET Conference: A Search for that Special Place under the Sun in Modern Europe: Migration in the Twenty First Century
Invitation to Zagreb Forum 2018: Digital Transformation of Cities
Workshop: Who is an Activist? Biographical and Transformative Effects of Protest
Conference "Digitalization Index - The Potential and Obstacles to Faster Growth"
SmartEIZ Conference: “Smart Specialization Strategy: Contemporary Challenges of Its Design and Implementation”
[NEW ISSUE]: Sector Analyses: Construction and real estate
[NEW ISSUE]: Sector Analyses: Tourism
[NEW ISSUE]: Economic Trends and Economic Policy
Science Tuesday: István János Tóth and Miklós Hajdu
2017 Annual Report
Science Tuesday: Ria Ivandić
Science Tuesday: Ivana Logar
[CEIZ index for October 2018]: Continued GDP growth after the third quarter
[OVI index for 2018]: Highest demand for occupations requiring secondary education
Science Tuesday: Emir Džanić
[NEW EDITION]: Croatian Economic Survey
[CEIZ index for November 2018]: Somewhat stronger GDP growth in the fourth quarter
[CEIZ index for 2018]: Drop in industrial production at the end of the year lowers GDP growth rate in 2018 to 2.6 percent
[OVI index for January 2019]: Decrease in labor demand in eastern Croatia
[New edition of EIZ Working Papers]: "Tobacco smuggling in the Western Balkan region: Exploring habits, attitudes, and predictors of illegal tobacco demand"
Science Tuesday: Eddie Gerba
4th International Conference "The Challenges of Today"
[CEIZ index for January 2019]: Slight acceleration of annual GDP growth rate at the beginning of 2019
2018 Annual Report
[OVI index for February 2019]: Strong growth in labor demand in the southern Adriatic
[IFIS index for the fourth quarter of 2018]: Continuation of the stable domestic financial conditions trend, while foreign financial conditions continue to tighten
[OVI index for March 2019]: Preparations for the tourist season boost the labor market
[CEIZ index for February 2019]: Significant increase in GDP growth rate in the first quarter
[OVI index for April 2019]: Employers offer more permanent-contract jobs
[CEIZ index for March 2019]: 2.6 percent GDP growth rate in the first quarter
[OVI index for May 2019]: Decrease in labor demand in the tourism sector
Science Tuesday: Mario Munta
Science Tuesday: Han Bleichrodt
Presentation of the BalkanSmugg project
Science Tuesday: Sonja Radas
Science Tuesday: Josip Tica
Science Tuesday: Vedran Recher
Science Tuesday: Andrijana Mušura Gabor
Science Tuesday: Iva Tomić
Celebration of the Institute of Economics 80th anniversary
Science Tuesday: Bruno Škrinjarić
Visit of the Beli Manastir General High-School students to the Institute of Economics, Zagreb
Event: Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia
Science Tuesday: Large Tournament Games
Science Tuesday: The Impact of Mobile Advertising on Consumers’ Purchase Intention: The Role of Consumers’ Innovativeness
Workshop: "The Non-Aligned Movement and Socialist Yugoslavia"
Science Tuesday: Free Movement of Inventors: Open-Border Policy and Innovation in Switzerland
Science Tuesday: Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation Among Organizations: Establishing the Distinctive Meanings of These Terms Through a Systematic Literature Review
Science Tuesday: "Leveraging Probability Distortion to Target Prevention? Evidence from a Lottery Experiment on Cardiovascular Risk"
Publication launch: "An Overview of the Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia 2020"
International conference: "Creative Future Insights 2021 – Creative Industries and the Experience Economy"
Conference: "Opportunity or Threat? Local and Regional Self-Government Reform in Croatia"
Science Tuesday "What do they really think: Uncovering latent preferences through meta-predictions"
Science Tuesday 'Corruption as an obstacle to pandemic response: A COVID-19 case study'
Sljeme economic talks
Science Tuesday 'Evaluation of macroeconomic outcomes and seven-year membership of Croatia in the European Union'
Event: Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia
Science Tuesday 'The technological transformation of economies: measurement framework overview and a new agenda'
Science Tuesday 'Efficiency of regional labor markets in Croatia'
Virtual Round Table "Global Social Policy at 25"
Book launch "Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries"
Science Tuesday 'Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance'
Science Tuesday 'Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on entities in the creative and cultural industries – A case of two Croatian counties'
Science Tuesday "Economic Perspectives on Challenges in Circular Business Model Innovation"
Changes in EU innovation policies and implications on innovation and industrial policies in Croatia
Science Tuesday "Consumers' responses to store-related stimuli in a crisis: Evidence from Japan and Croatia"
Book launch, Matko Meštrović: Towards the End - Phenomenology of the Political Sphere
Virtual book talk: "Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries"
Science Tuesday: Business Cycle Synchronization and Asymmetry in the European Union
The effects of tourism on the housing market: How to make tourism sustainable?
Workshop "Racialization and the contested cultural politics of non-alignment"
Workshop "Non-Alignment and New International Order(s)"
Creative Future Insights 2023 - Creativity 360°
Event: "Evaluation of EU RTD Programs as a Part of Evaluation Culture Development"
Event: "Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia"
Matko Meštrović's 90th birthday gathering
REPRICON conference
Science Tuesday "The Market for Yugoslav Healthcare: Commodifying International Public Health in Non-Aligned Networks During Late Socialism"
EIZ Seminar: "Does ESG Matter for Corporate Performance and Risk?"
Student workshop: "Data-driven Storytelling"
EIZ Seminar: "Metode eksperimentalne ekonomije i mogućnosti njihove primjene u agrarnoj ekonomici: iskustva iz projekta AgriFoodBoost"
EIZ Seminar: "Dizajn i testiranje novoga procesa efektualnoga pristupa poduzetništvu"
Event: "Real Estate Market in the Republic of Croatia in 2023"
Event: Security Day and presentation of the "Analysis of the private protection sector" project
International conference: “2nd CEE-Loc Conference 2024: Local Government Studies in Central and Eastern Europe”
International conference: “2nd CEE-Loc Conference 2024: Local Government Studies in Central and Eastern Europe”
EIZ Seminar: "Animal Welfare Ballot Initiatives and the Vote-Buy Gap"
Conference: "Smart Specialization Strategies in Croatia: Experiences and the Way Forward"
Book presentation: Onkraj utopije: Tragovima Matka Meštrovića
Student workshop: Econometric evaluation of the impacts of public policies
Workshop: The Europeanization of Social Policy in South East Europe: Responding to an Ageing Population
EIZ Seminar: "What goes around, comes around: The impact of childhood relationship with parents on future caregiving decisions"
New edition of Economic Trends and Economic Policy
New edition of EIZ Working Papers
New edition of Sector Analyses: Tourism
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